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35 Inspirational You are Enough Quotes



Having somebody who loves you so passionately and at the same time is the best of friends is indeed such a blessing. Someone who cares for you stays with you and does everything to put a beautiful smile on your lovely face. Such people are so precious, even better as lovers.

Besides everything they do for you, imagine for a second how bad it would feel if they believe they aren’t good enough or miss out on something? Such a heart burning thought. We hope this isn’t your case, but just so you know, it’s quite often amongst couples these days, because of all the communication and appreciation gaps. Someone can believe that they aren’t their best towards their lovers, which is sad. In today’s article, we’ll discuss how you can make sure your partner isn’t living in such insecurity, and if they are, how to fix this.

How bad can it feel like?

When you love somebody unconditionally and just the right way, you tend to understand what it feels like to love. You know love is about just giving away everything that’s yours to the person since you and they are together. Not being fancy and all, but that is true to people who understand love. Love demands selflessness and surrender, so when you become such a selfless person, you often forget how much you’re giving it away and maybe feel like it’s too little.

That is what’s going on inside a person who thinks they aren’t enough for the love of their life. This situation can be utterly depressing and overwhelming so that the person can feel like instead the best, they are the worst person in your life, which indeed is true. But not going to lie, it all occurs due to the behavior they get. Gradually it sets in their minds, and if not stopped, there’s no going back. So understanding what it feels like and how it is before even knowing if your partner feels the same or how to help them in this is necessary.

How to know if they feel so, and fix it?

There are only two ways to check if your partner is also going through the same problem. If you feel like they feel or can feel a little inferior in front of you because of the life you have, or maybe the one you had before having them. Sometimes it’s related to financial or social status because perhaps they don’t get many good vibes about your future with them. Maybe they feel a little unfavorable or less fortunate for your life, which, to be honest, is mostly wrong. If a person loves somebody with tremendous intensity and they see nothing but them even in the emptiest of places within their minds, out of all the odds, things will work out, or should we say, they will make it all work out together.

Another way to knowing if they feel so is if they are a little inferior to you. Don’t get this wrong cause we know that you love this person, but if you look through this person’s eyes, you’ll feel like that. So sometimes it’s their way of thinking, and sometimes it’s just obvious. But no worries, know every single problem in your life is fixable, and this one too will be fixed. The only way around is showing warmth and talking to them about your relationship. How you feel, how it all is, the beautiful words you never spoke, it’s time, throw up, but don’t stop until they believe you to their core. They should think that whatever happens, you won’t leave them, and you need them.

35 You are Enough Quotes

Best you are enough quotes

If they are not believers, It doesn’t mean you are not magic.

You are enough quotes

Sometimes we all must appreciate ourselves.

You are enough quotes on belieeve

Let others take you as you are, or not at all. You don’t need other people to validate you; you are already valuable.

Best You are enough quotes

It’s okay to choose yourself and make yourself a priority.

When I found you, my urge of going beyond and further stopped. So I say, you are enough.

Don’t lose your today while chasing your forever.

You are enough quotes on be happy

Be happy with who you are and what you do, and you can do anything you want.

You are enough quotes on life

The day you’ll stop fitting into the world, you’ll start living.

Live life. Be brave. Believe in yourself. Be kind to others. Smile daily. Love as much as possible, and always remember, you are enough.

Motivational You are enough quotes

Maybe the treasure you are seeking everywhere is inside.

Pick the brush and colour your own sky.

You are enough quotes for you

How you see yourself decides how the others will see you.

You are enough quotes on life lesson

Learn to walk away from people who make you doubt your existence.

You are enough quotes

We may come across countless defeats but we must not be defeated.

To find the light, you must learn to embrace the darkness.

Famous You are Enough Quotes:

Inspirational You are enough quotes

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.
– Maya Angelou

“Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.”
— Tina Fey

“Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are.
– Stephanie Lahart

You are enough quotes best

“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”
— Benjamin Spock

You are enough quotes on love yourself

“You, yourself, just as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
– Buddha

You are enough quotes

“You are enough, Just as you are.”
— Denise Linn

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
– A.A. Milne

“I exist as I am, that is enough.”
– Walt Whitman

Awesome You are enough quotes

“I was told I wasn’t good enough, but I just chose not to listen.”
– Khalid

25th of 35 You are Enough Quotes

Deep You are enough quotes

“When you don’t value yourself, you will accept and even welcome people who don’t value you into your life.”
— Sabrina Alexis

You are enough quotes

“Lighten up on yourself. No one is perfect. Gently accept your humanness.”
— Deborah Day

“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
— Helen Keller

You are enough quotes by Rumi

“Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.”
— Rumi

“Not one ounce of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me.”
– Quincy Jones

“Don’t doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.”
— Aslan

Inspirational You are enough quotes

“Refuse to accept another’s estimation of yourself.”
— Alison Stormwolf

“We must never allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us.”
— Virginia Satir

You are enough quotes on love

“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
— Robert Holden

You are enough quotes for you

“Try your hardest to be confident in who you are. You are enough – you are beautiful.”
– Meagan Tandy

“Your problem is you’re … too busy holding onto your unworthiness.”
— Ram Dass

Hope your partner isn’t going through such a mental breakdown. But if somehow they are, we wish you can fix the situation, and everything comes back to normal. We hope you liked today’s article on You are Enough quotes; if you did, make sure you share your forever story with us. We never miss even a single one of your words, so hit it up in the comments below.

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